What is the Value of a Public Library to its Community?
Building on a growing body of research that studies the impact of cultural organizations on social wellbeing, the Northern New York Library Network in Potsdam, NY launched a three-year national research project, Libraries in Community Systems, to create a clearer understanding of the unique role public libraries play within community systems, and how this role can be maximized for improved social wellbeing outcomes.
Wellbeing is multidimensional— including physical and mental health, economic security, school effectiveness, cultural engagement, political voice, etc. It amounts to people having what economist Amartya Sen describes as
“the freedom to lead lives [people] have reason to value.”
By December of 2024, this project will publish tools for library service valuation based in library worker and community member perceptions and experiences, as well as comprehensive statistical analysis.
To learn more about the national team working on this project, visit People.