Thank you! For being generous, and/or curious, enough to want to test out the Library Value in Terms of Social Wellbeing Outcomes calculators. The calculators are in an MS Excel Workbook format and if you agree to our testing terms, you’ll receive an email with the Calculator Workbook as an attachment. This first round is a file instead of online because:

  • Transparency: we want those who want to see every part of the calculations involved to be able to see them without too much fuss
  • Testing: these might not be the final calculations and we want that to be VERY clear – what if you have a better, cleaner, more useful, or more accurate approach? We want to be clear that those will be incorporated into the online version
  • Temporary: to reinforce the testing nature, we want you to be able to simply delete the old thing (which we will remind you to do on May 1)

If you want to receive this email, please agree to these conditions:

  • Curiosity: we trust that you are testing these calculators (and their results) from a place of curiosity. We aren’t sure these will be the final formulas or calculations. Each part is still under technical review, and you are a part of that. Helping us understand the pinch points in your experience of the calculators and their results will guide what is changed, and our communication around the project’s products.
  • Criticality: we trust that you will tell us like it is. Everyone working on this project believes in the multi-dimensional and positive impacts of public libraries. We ask that you trust that, and then be as critical as possible about every element that you are able to test out. You don’t need to be into statistics to test this stuff – there are technical notes and areas for those interested in that. You just need to come to these from your place of experience and skills and test YOUR perspective. 
  • Compliance: we trust that you will not forward or share the workbook with anyone. You CAN share the link to this agreement page. We want each person who has it to receive the same information from the project, we want to know that they agree to these conditions, and we want to be able to remind them to DELETE the workbook on May 1. We trust that you will delete the workbook from all your stored places on May 1.

Thank you for your consideration. If you understand and agree to everything above, enter your name and email, check the consent box, and click the submit button. If you want to talk with me more about this before you agree, send Margo an email: If you don’t want an attachment, but do want to test the online version in June and haven’t already subscribed to notifications, go here: Get Updates on Libraries in Community Systems Research ( ( We’ll send out that call on or before June 1. 

    Thanks for your interest in the Social Wellbeing Calculator! It is live now: It's still being improved on, so feel free to let us know what you think.